Saturday, November 08, 2008

Volunteering at the Stonecat 50

Had a great time volunteering at the Stonecat 50, and also fulfilled my service requirement for the Western States 100. My primary duties included filling bottles for runners and helping hand out the finishing prizes (really nice windbreakers) to those that made it. It was seriously a lot of fun, and everyone at the race was great. Great to see various friends and acquaintances... and also met lot's of great folks for the first time.

Ian had a great performance, look for a report on his blog soon. Steve also did well.

Was able to get in three nice and slow miles on the trails with Jim Eckert before things got too busy. PF has really flared up. I plan to get aggressive again with the NSAIDS, massaging, stretching and icing, and may see the sports doc if it doesn't calm significantly. Not a big deal though, just annoying. I'll deal with it.

Ran 3.0 miles @ 9:52/mile pace.
Moderately hilly.
Upper 50s, overcast.
Long pants, short sleeved shirt.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hope that PF settles down. The ibuprofen should should do the trick if you take enough. That and ice.