I noticed a pretty big bog was nearly totally covered with a thin sheet of ice. Also saw a gaggle of turkeys near a stream. Pretty cool.
Was very pleased with the heart rate for this route at this point in the recovery. Qualitatively, I also felt great and energetic so everything appears to be going well. A good end to the week.
Ran 8.6 miles @ 8:03/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 147/159
Paved and dirt roads.
Very hilly.
Lower 20s to lower 30s, sunny.
Long pants, fleece jacket, long sleeved shirt, short sleeved shirt, beanie, gloves (off and on).

Nice to see how well your recovery is going. The cool weather is nice this time of year and really makes you feel like you have a little more jump.
Yes, a most beautiful autumn day today!
Recovery looks very good for you.
Glad you didn't get tagged yesterday. Just remember, don't wear a brown shirt with white gloves. I got dizzy following your route yeserday.
Nice run this morning. No turkeys(just the non-feathered upright ones)up this way. I'm glad that your running and recovery are going well. We certainly do live in a beautiful part of the country.
Love this time of year. Glad to hear you got in a nice Sunday run!
Oh, I forgot, nice new header!
I too felt quite excited to run on a cool morning. Somthing fresh about the air I guess. Funny I crossed paths with a pile of wild turkey too....just realized I didn't write that in my blog.
They were quite peaceful until I ran up on them, then they scattered in all directions!
I heve decided I do like your new look here...the photo is Bradbury right?
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