Good run today. I was a little under-dressed, which proved to be a distraction. Aside from that, felt good but I'm welcoming the short five mile recovery run tomorrow just the same. Too bad it'll be in a cold rain after grad school. At least it'll be multiple, short comfort loops on the USM campus.
Ran 14.0 miles @ 8:30/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 141/155
Paved roads.
Moderately hilly.
Mid 40s to upper 30s, sunny.
Shorts, long sleeved shirt, short sleeved shirt, beanie.
Worth noting the below chart makes it look more hilly than it really is. The bulk of the climbs and descents are at a low grade, making them barely noticeable. Kind of looks like Devils Tower, doesn't it?

Now that's a nice long run. I can't wait to have days like that! Can you run around the back cove after grad school? Maybe Tim and I can join you one of these times.
How's the PF? I have a friend at Tae Kwon Do who is having pain like yours(she can't even work at the moment). If your plan really worked, I'll have to get the details to share with her.
Shadows? What are those?
(I kid...I do get to see the sun on the days that I run at lunch time. Before or after work, not so much...not a huge fan of the windowless room I work in.)
Ugh...the shortest day of the year is fast approaching and spring seems so far away. It is going to take some time to get used to running in the dark again.
Be safe.
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