I felt on par overall, which was great. Actually, I didn't really feel in sync until after five miles, but after that, just clicked along comfortably and rather enjoyed myself. Last few miles were a bit tough, but that's to be expected given the pretty gnarly hills along this route.
Running along the river is always picturesque, and then the route turns away and heads up the ridge about 11 miles in, which is a pretty grueling climb up into some thickly wooded areas. Great workout for sure.
Interesting weather in that it started out under sunny skies without a cloud in sight, but it was totally overcast by the end. Luckily my sunglasses stayed in place perched on top of my head.
Alright, I'm hungry. No more typing. Time to eat and then take a nap. Looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow! I'll be spending it with Stephen and his family, which will be fun.
Ran 20.7 miles @ 8:35/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 145/161
Paved and dirt roads.
Extremely hilly.
Lower 40s, sunny to overcast.
Shorts, long sleeved shirt, two short sleeved shirts, cap.

Great run! Good pace for the distance. Guys like you and downeastrunning inspire us runners with different goals--not quite as ambitious.
Wow! Very strong long run and now you can eat all the turkey you want. Have a nice holiday!
Awesome run! Glad you got in a nice long run and felt great. Though I'm totally disappointed there wasn't a motivational speaker living in a van...down by the river!
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