Run went well. Pfitzinger plan called for eleven today and so that's what I did. Route was an out and back up Railroad Avenue from the school. Good rollercoaster hills throughout.
Ran the first three miles with Tom at just under a 9:00/mile pace and then picked it up from there. Hit the next six miles at around 7:43/mile and then the last two miles in 7:20 and 7:07 respectively.
My PF has flared up this week, primarily in my left foot. While that's a nuisance, I can deal with it. I've been slacking on the stretching and massaging, so it's my own fault. Otherwise, I felt great. Legs continue to feel awesome and energy is high.
I'm volunteering at the Stonecat 50 tomorrow, which I'm really looking forward to. Ian will be running the trail marathon, and Steve will also be there for the 50. Plan calls for me to get in five recovery miles tomorrow, but if I can't squeeze it in, I'm not too worried. I'm already doing more of the Pfitzinger plan than I expected to for this week. Just glad the recovery is going well.
Ran 11.1 miles @ 7:58/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 147/166
Paved roads.
Moderately hilly.
~60 degrees, overcast, drizzling.
Shorts, sleeveless shirt.

Don't tell us you're missing winter. It will be here soon enough, and then it will stay around for much too long ...
Good to see the training and recovery going so well. Have fun at Stonecat.
I wish I was at Stonecat today. I haven't run there for a couple years now and it's one of my favorite races. Next year maybe.
Careful with that PF.
Do you wear orthotics? Have good enough insurance to see a DPM and get an evaluation? Mine were pricey ($340 for the first pair and about half that for the second/backup pair) but I think they've been a good investment.
Nice progrssion for your 11 miler. Enjoy the absence of winter while it lasts.
Damon - yeah, I have the Superfeet orthodics. They help, but I may see a doc soon.
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