I was over the stomach bug at least enough for a short and slow run today. That went okay for the most part, but I did still feel a little nauseous. I had lost seven pounds over the past few days, but I've gained much of it back. Stomach is behaving better, but now I'm still trying to get my energy back up. It's getting there.
This latest blow to my workout schedule has gotten me thinking how much training is like flying an airplane. When you're getting in the high mileage and everything is going well it's like a plane flying at cruising altitude. Everything is running smooth and you cut through the thin air with minimal drag. It's great, it's wonderful, it's the way it should be and you get to your destination efficiently and comfortably.
When your training starts and sputters, it's like a plane nosediving and trying to climb up again too fast. You burn a lot of fuel doing so, and if there are already some problems with the plane, you're just adding to the wear. It's a bumpy ride, and the "fasten your seat belt" light never comes off. A lot of time is wasted and it takes forever to get to where you want to go.
I guess since post-Vermont 100, my plane has fit the latter scenario. The lack of energy for the few months after the race was like a fuel mixture problem, and the plantar fasciitis has been like engine trouble. However, the energy had returned and I've made progress in the PF, and just as my plane was starting to get up to altitude again... WHAM! Stomach virus. Since the plane was more or less okay and the virus is not directly related to running, I guess I could liken that to a bird smashing into the cockpit window.
So with a fuel mixture that appears to be working well, engines repaired with duct tape, and now a new windshield in place, it's time to try to take off again. Please, let me get above the clouds this time?
Ran 5.0 miles @ 8:49/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 133/147
Paved roads.
Slightly hilly.
Mid 40s, sunny.
Shorts, long sleeved shirt, short sleeved shirt, beanie.
You might want to fix the engine with something more permanent than duct tape to get to cruising altitude or you'll be grounded before you know it.
I hope you feel better soon.
I saw your comment about me racing at Hyannis with you, but I have found over the years that I really need a planned offseason. Getting ready for my marathon this fall really burned me out a bit, and I'm enjoying the rest.
I never worked out at all yesterday and I'm honestly not feeling motivated to do anything right now. I need to get moving again, but I have no desire to work hard.
If I don't take some time to recover - mentally and physically - now, I may find myself not enjoying my WS training when I start up on the first of the year.
Nice analogy, but (I agree with Grellan) in that duct tape + 30,000 feet is not a good math equation. :)
Get well soon!
Hmmmn....the plane analogy works well, but anyone taking off with
anything less than a perfect
engine is screaming for trouble...it's not like you can pull to the side of the road if the engine stalls.
So in comparison I guess as long as you don't go out for a 50 mile run in the woods by yourself, you should be ok.
I do know what you mean though as I have had many interuptions in my running in the past year and it does affect the overall condition.
Isn't duct tape wonderful?
Just remember, they serve drinks on planes. The other piece of the recipe is to keep your head up even though the plane feels like it's going down. The mental fortitude to get through the tough times is training in and of itself!
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