Shortly after my post yesterday, I discovered through a couple of long series of vomiting that my stomach simply wasn't accepting food of any kind. I called out sick today from teaching and grad school, but I'm getting better. Able to hold down food now and I feel my energy returning.
Plan is to go back to teaching tomorrow, but probably take another day off from running. Hope to be back at 'em on Saturday. Drat, and I was doing so good at following the Pfitz plan to a 'T' this week...
Consider it tapering for Blackstrap Hell on Sunday! I'm pretty sure Pfitz has hill workouts in his plan. -Jeff
Take care of yourself - stomach bugs suck big-, well, you know what they suck. Hope you are feeling better soon!
There is a lot to be said about a guy who can state his current adverse condition and still have some humor mixed in.......the tiny violin cracks me up!
Hope ypu are feeling better or at least learn how to play that thing.
Hope you feel better soon!
Not whiny at all ;-) Hope you're feeling better today. Have fun at Blackstrap!
hope you're feeling better!!
I shamelessly ripped off the picture ... hope your back up and running this weekend.
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