Did my speed workout which called for four miles at my 15k to half marathon pace. I wasn't very disciplined in my warm-up, which called for the first two miles at a slow pace. Instead, the second warm-up mile ended up fitting into the upper end of my speed range, so I begrudgingly decided to count it as one of the speed miles. They ended up being a bit all over the place... 7:02, 6:47, 6:54 and 6:44, but so be it.
Followed it up with a 5k cool down. All in all a good workout. I'm pleasantly sore, so I'm welcoming tomorrow's rest day.
Ran 8.1 miles @ 7:38/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 157/175
Paved roads.
Mostly flat.
Upper 30s, mostly sunny.
Long pants, fleece jacket, short sleeved shirt, beanie.

It is much too boring and possibly not as good training to stick to routine. I think mixing it up a bit and not allowing your brain to settle into a set plan is a great way to progress your training.
I like to fool my brain occasionally.......I will lie about my training plans right up to the end and then throw in something different.......you should see the surprised looked on my face when that happens....hahaha
Kevin, so true. I'm normally not one for following schedules strictly, so this is somewhat new for me. Experiment of one. :-)
One of my biggest struggles while training for my marathon over the past few months was being consistent with my pace on the roads. On the track, I seemed to do much better, but I never felt like I was able to dial into specific paces on the road unless I used my Forerunner to force myself to a pace.
Eons ago, when I was strictly road racing, I could dial into just about any pace I wanted, up to race pace anyway.
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