We started out at a pub and followed chalk arrows on the sidewalks and streets. However, sometimes you'd come to a check mark, which meant to spread out and follow one of the many arrows leading in different directions. If you reached a few rows of bars, that meant it was a dead end. If the arrows kept going, you're going the right way and call out "On on!" to let others know you're on the trail.
This system is great in that not only is it a lot of fun following the paths, but the check points allow the slower runners to catch up. I was impressed with how well our group of about twenty runners of varying abilities all kept close together as a result.
The trek featured a "pit stop" along the way, where we enjoyed a tasty cool beverage. About a mile later, we ended up at another pub where we all socialized and watched football. Our evening ended with singing a few songs that were quite raunchy, and Neighbor Kate and I tacked on a little over a mile running back to my car.
Definitely a great time. It was good to hear that Ned is going to try to do these on a weekly basis. Though I probably won't be able to make all of them, I'll definitely do it again and hopefully pretty regularly.
This also allowed me to raise up my weekly mileage a bit more.
Hash run - 2.3 miles
Run back to car - 1.1 miles
Weekly total - 74.1 miles.
Rest day tomorrow.

I love hashing, especially as a break from serious training. One of my best friends is a member of the local HHH in Burlington, VT, so I go along as guest sometimes, but at least I'm no longer a virgin. I made the mistake once of telling someone during the hash that I'd run a 100 miler the previous weekend. In the final circle, that comment cost me a few drinks.
Sounds like you had much more fun than me....wow...74 miles this week.....HEHE I only got 79 miles for the whole month!
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