Friday, February 09, 2007


Ran 5.3 miles @ 7:05/mile pace.
Paved roads.
Slightly hilly.
Mid teens, very windy.

The insane winds continue, and the first half of my run was right into it and up a very gradual hill. It made for a very good resistance workout. The route I did today was an out and back, and I kept reminding myself that the return trip would be cake. It was, and I hit the last two full miles at 6:31 and 6:22 respectively.

I also had a very impressive array of snotsicles hanging from the beard. It was rather cool looking. Made me feel like a yeti.

The trend for most of the week with the winds is that they've been picking up throughout the day and peaking in the afternoon, which is when I do most of my runs during the work week. I'm looking forward to getting an earlier start in the morning tomorrow to hopefully minimize it.


Olga said...

I juts can't read how all of you guys up north handling the sub-zero' amazes me!

Banking Miles said...

Good thing you are in taper mode right now - so slower runs against the wind doesn't feel as bad.