I will keep this brief, as I am tired and want to get to bed, but the obsessive part of me wants to put in my log entry on the same day as the run. But man, what a great day!
It was Val's birthday today, and she hosted a fantastic Fat Ass event at her place. Several of the Trail Monster gang was there, including Ian, Ryan, Danielle, Blaine, Chuck, Kevin, Lily, Al, Linda, Erik, George, Ann, Randy, and others.
Course was a challenge. It consisted of a loop that was slightly over five miles long. It featured rolling hills which weren't too drastic, but the conditions were what made it quite difficult. We ran through snow, ice, big clumps of grass, mud... all of it in a constant state of metamorphosis as the temperatures climbed well into the 40s.
Lily and I ran the full race together, completing six loops in a total time of 5:40:30. I felt great, and was very pleased with the result. Had one good fall from taking a sharp turn on a sheet of ice that still rock solid on the first loop, but just got a few bloody scratches that make for good decoration.
A real treat at the end when Jerry (Val's neighbor) gave us rides in his helicopter. I had never been in one before. Really, really cool!

Ran 30.7 miles @ 10:00/mile pace (pace does not include aid station stops).
Trails, with the full gambit of conditions.
Moderately hilly.
Upper 20s to mid 40s, sunny.
Asics Trail Attacks..., started with long pants, long sleeved shirt, sleeveless shirt, beanie. Shed to shorts and sleeveless shirt.

Good run. Would like to have been there but had to work this morning. The helicopter ride sounds great!
Wow Jamie, so impressive! That helicopter ride must have been so cool!
Impressive run Jamie. You're back for sure!
Wow that's some running and on a 5 mile loop to.
Sounds like a very cool day :]
Nice work Jamie! Sorry Sam and I didn't stay around for more of the festivities, but it was fun to see you, even if briefly!
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