Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Five in the Snow

A light snow, darkened skies and breezy conditions contributed to a somewhat ominous tone to today's afternoon run. Throw in two legs that felt like pillars of concrete just to make it interesting. However, I still enjoyed it. The heavy legs are no doubt the result of finishing off last week with an increase in mileage, so no big whoop.

The PF still felt very manageable today. I can't say it felt as good as Sunday, but still overall, very tolerable... perhaps comparable to Saturday, which is still very good compared to the past several months. I'll just have to see what's in store for the rest of the week.

Ran 5.2 miles @ 8:32/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 145/154
Paved roads.
Slightly hilly.
Mid 20s, overcast, breezy, light snow.
Long pants, fleece jacket, short sleeved shirt, long pants.


mindy said...

Man it seemed like it was dark all day today - and then a mini-blizzard. Glad the PF is staying at bay. One good day after another...

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

Snow, heavy legs, mild PF sounds like a great day :-) Keep moving!

bricey said...

glad to read that the PF is still holding up.