Wednesday, January 04, 2012


That 13-mile run with Jeremy on New Year's Day went okay, but it was obvious it sapped my strength and ushered the symptoms of a lingering cold forward like a bursted dam. That sucked.

Monday was a planned rest day, and well needed. Yesterday saw a return to work after vacation, but an internet outage in the morning put me way behind and since I still wasn't feeling so well (coughing, mostly), I opted to skip my afternoon run and stay at work longer to play catch-up. That worked out well, at least.

Today though, I was feeling better. Definitely on the tail-end of things and while there's still a lingering dry cough, my energy felt fine, so I felt a little five-miler would serve as a good test run.

It went really well, which is great news. Didn't set me back in any way. After last month with the hurt foot, leading into the travelling home for Christmas, leading to this cold from hell, I'm really anxious to finally get the intensity and mileage ramped up for Boston. Bring it on!!!

Ran 5.0 miles @ 7:38/mile.
Paved roads.
Slightly hilly.
Lower 20s, partly sunny.
Saucony Kinvara 2, long pants, windbreaker, long sleeved shirt, beanie, gloves.


Jeremy Bonnett said...


mindy said...

Hells to the yeah!

Andrew said...

What is the mileage target for the Boston training program?

Jamie Anderson said...

Andrew, probably in the 50-70 mpw range. Focus will be on running really hard one day running really easy the next...repeat. Trying to greatly reduce moderate paced runs. That should start next week once I'm totally over this nasty head cold.