The section of Rt. 35 north of Rt. 202 wasn't as good as expected (south of 202 it's ideal, at least for a few miles). No real shoulders, and while traffic was somewhat low (at least for this time of the day), the higher speed limits and low visibility turns made it a little sketchier than I'd like. Even so, not too bad. I'd ride it again, but just have to be careful.
The rest of the route was great. Rt. 117 does have some traffic on it, but also has shoulders that are so wide that it eases those concerns significantly, along with good visibility (i.e. no sharp turns so cars and trucks have a better chance of seeing you up ahead). The true back roads I traveled on were also ideal.
I've gotten a lot of great feedback on the effectiveness of cross training with the bike to help with running, specifically the quads. I've heard it from my fellow Trail Monsters, but also posed the question on the ultra list and was surprised at the feedback I got at how significant the results can be. Sounds like a good fit for me, especially since my quads are my weakest muscles.
Biked 25.3 miles @ 16.4 mph/avg. (29.7 mph/max)
Paved roads.
Very hilly.
Mid to upper 70s, sunny.
Bike shorts, short sleeved shirt.

I like the GPS mapping and elevation information you have recorded. What do you use?
I've enjoyed reading your blog for the past few weeks. I enjoyed the deer fly experiment and am looking forward to the next test.
I also ran the VT100 this year. Finished in 23:30. I was saddened to hear about Jim's death. He seemed like a great guy.
Brent Boyle
Thanks Brent! I subscribed to your blog in google reader, look forward to following yours as well.
I use the Garmin Forerunner 305, and generate the charts using SportsTracks. I've had it for over a year and a half now, really enjoy it. Well worth the money, IMO.
Cycling certainly seems to have improved my quads recently although I haven't tested the theory in a race - I imagine downhill running would benefit the most.
Nice ride - always fun to explore new routes. I've definitely noticed increased quad strength with cycling. I'll have to look into SportsTracks - I like the mapping info you use as well.
You certainly live in a wonderful part of the state.
Nice job on the biking!
I think cycling has definitely improved my running. It is also a great recovery tool as you get a good workout without stressing the legs too much. Two thirds of the way to a may be too late to turn back!
Hey Mister - this greedy blogger wants photos of your fine state! Show us the Picasa Love!
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