Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hanging Out at the Stonecat 50

I headed down to Massachusetts today to root on some friends running the in the Stonecat 50 mile and trail marathon. A big congrats to Ian and Erik for completing their first 50-milers and making it look easy. Ian's wife, Emma, also placed first woman in the trail marathon and Mark's wife was second. Way to go!

While everyone else was out there doing all the work, Mark and I engaged in some great running conversation for a few hours. Great to see him and and a few other folks there I hadn't seen in a while.

In the late afternoon, Emma and I hiked in about two miles into the course where we met Ian coming in the opposite way and we ran back with him to the finish. I had a hard time keeping up, as he still had a lot left in the tank. Into the training log those miles go:

Ran ~2.0 miles @ ~9:00/mile pace.
Slightly hilly.
Upper 30s, dusk with partly cloudy skies.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Congrats to your friends! It was a great day of running.