Saturday, January 13, 2007

More in the Bank

Ran 10.2 miles @ 7:45/mile pace.
Paved roads.
Very hilly.
Weather: lower 40s, overcast.

The proverbial calm before the storm... today will probably be the last day of warm weather for a good stretch. Finally, snow and sub-zero temps in the days to come. In the meantime, I got in a good run today. Felt great and it was quite enjoyable.

We're supposed to get a few inches of snow tomorrow. Hopefully it won't start until later in the day so I can get in my long run in the morning without much difficulty. The snow is expected to continue until Monday night, maybe even Tuesday. That's fine, as I have Monday off and for training that's a scheduled rest day.


MB said...

wanted to mention your Eagle Lake run sounds like one of those dream courses!

If that's near where you can get the blueberry popovers, that place is awesome!

Banking Miles said...

Yeah - keep on banking those miles. You are going to be a rich dude come race day. BTW I am tired of our snow and cold (for the past week)- will send them over your way.