Friday, July 30, 2010


Took an unanticipated rest day today, making the decision based on logic over emotion. Quads are still a touch sore. Nothing bad, but I knew a rest day would do them some good and allow me to get in two important runs over the weekend with greater success, especially what I want to run on Sunday (medium run at MP).

That's the logic, and it always wins.

The emotional side wanted to run and do hill repeats. I wanted to keep the good momentum I have going. I just wanted to be outside and moving my legs.

But the logic said "settle down, Beavis". In similar situations in the past, when I gave in to the logic it's paid off virtually every time. I think they call this listening to the body. Begrudgingly, I'm listening.


pathfinder said... body keeps telling me to relax and be a couch potatoe....I am trying my darndest not to listen.

pathfinder said... body keeps telling me to relax and be a couch potatoe....I am trying my darndest not to listen.