The last few miles of today's 15-miler was a slow race against the fiery orb as we both began to call it a day. I was well prepared for the dark with a reflective vest and a headlamp. While I never used the headlamp, I have to give the victory to the sun as it was close to completely dark when I was finally done.
Good day, though I'm welcoming tomorrow's five mile recovery run.
Ran 15.0 miles @ 8:23/mile pace.
AHR/MHR - 141/151
Paved roads.
Moderately hilly.
Mid-40s to upper-30s, sunny.
Shorts, windbreaker, short sleeved shirt, refl. vest, beanie, gloves.

Nice work. I ran 16.5 today and it was absolutely gorgeous! Of course, I got to start at 10:30, so I had plenty of sun the entire time.
You're on a roll. Keep up the good work and make sure the recovery is true recovery! Savor it ;-)
Good solid run. I've seen that elevation profile before - looks challenging.
The situation is even worse than you are letting on. I copied this from the web site:
Length Of Visible Light: 9h 14m
Length of Day: 7h 53m
Nice job! I hear you about the sun only showing up for cameo appearances. Go to work in the dark and come home in the dark!
Are you back on trails again now that hunting season is over or are you still on the roads?
Nice solid work Jamie...
OK I am signed up for VT100 so watch out fkrs Flatland Bob is coming into town and he promises to leave some toenails on da course --LOL
Going to be blast !!
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