I wanted to also give a big public thanks to two other individuals who have helped recently. Last week, Lisa got in touch with me with some tips on dealing with plantar fasciitis. She went out of her way with advice and also supplied me with the email of a sports doctor friend of hers who might offer some more tips, Dr. Christiane Gardner.
Long story short, thanks to Dr. Gardner I've realized that it's possible I could have a stress fracture in my heel, aka a calcaneus stress fracture. I'll stress right off the bat that I'm not fully jumping to any conclusions until I can get the x-rays or whatever else done, but it's good to be aware that this could be the problem. The symptoms all seem to better fit this than they do plantar fasciitis. For example, when I cup the heel and squeeze their is big pain coming from the sides of the heel, which is a possible tell-tale sign of a calcaneus stress fracture. I also feel increased pain when I put more weight directly on the heel.
I can't make an appointment with my sports doctor until I get a referral from my primary care doctor, the latter of which is on vacation until after the New Year and I can't get an appointment with another doctor at the same office unless it's an emergency (I just love this kind of bullcrap). I'll look into getting around that, but in the meantime, I think the smart thing to do is lay off the running for a bit more. I may get back into weightlifting in the interim if I'm going to be on the running DL for a while. I used to do that quite a bit, and part of me misses walking around knowing I can squish everyone like a little grape.
I thought it was only in Ireland where the health care was that screwed up
Mental note: Be nice to Jamie, who is a great guy and someone I would never say anything bad about.
Oh, and go US "healthcare" system.
Perhaps you have found the cause of your problem. That would be great as 2/3 of the battle is knowing what is wrong so you treat it properly.....good luck
Pain hurts! Good luck with your PF, CSF, or whatever.
*Definitely* do not run through a stress fracture! Good to hear you are getting this check out professionally. Good luck with the recovery. Riverton Pool on Forest Ave. in Portland has a lane for pool runners. It's $3/swim(run) but the times are limited. It's a great way to stay in shape during recovery. And you get to hang out with all the old ladies doing aquarobics.
Good luck with your misfortune and godspeed to a quick heal.
clicked on your site after seeing the cool picassa photo display as I hadn't seen that tool yet
Also noticed you updated the site header; I like the change
I had the same kind of pain when squeezing the sides of my heel. My injury resulted from three heavy days of tele-skiing. I was told I had pissed off the connection point of the Achilles to the heel or some such thing. It took several months to go away.
I look forward to what the specialist has to say.
Keep on rockin' the casbah, Jamie!! It's a good couple of weeks to be chillin' so Merry Christmas and relax well. It looks like it's good weather for relaxing!
Hope you get it sorted soon Jamie. Sounds like you've been heavy on your heels. Perhaps a bit of barefoot running will get you landing further forward on your feet and let your natural shock absorption take over. Supposed to help with PF also.
Anyway enjoy the holidays and have a few beers.
Wow - sounds like a real possibility Jamie....
good luck - speedy recovery!!
Knowing exactly what the problem is can be half the battle! hang in!! I'm sure neighbor Kate will do all the shoveling for both of you if it is a bone fracture!! ;)
I was diagnosed with a calcaneal stress fracture today! My pain was the exact same thing. However, I've been in pain for 3 weeks and typically the x-ray comes back negative until you start to heal. So if you are recently hurt, you x-ray will probably be negative. You need to have one after 3 weeks.
Good luck!
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