This is approaching the longest I've gone without running since recovering from the Vermont 50 (took 6 days afterwards). I'm going batty. Part of that is because with the extra time on my hands, I've been doing research on ACL injuries. I'll be reading medical websites, blogs, forums, you name it and think I've definitely torn my ACL, then read something else a short time later and think no way.
While the primary care doctor did say I could run on it, I'm not comfortable doing so. I'd rather wait to hear what the sports doctor says and get a solid diagnosis before I push on.
A few notes on my thinking:
1. Most who tear an ACL report hearing a pop followed by a period of swelling in the knee. I never heard a pop, but felt something that could have been a pop, but maybe not. However, I never had any swelling whatsoever.
2. The pain started about a month ago. There were good days and bad days with it, with the former not feeling it at all and with the latter with occasional tinges of pain along with a constant discomfort.
3. The outside of my left knee is where the pain is, which has been the main area of my concern from the get go. Something is likely damaged there. Seems different than an ACL issue.
4. The knee does feel unstable, even when walking. Perhaps some of that is exaggerated though by fearing the worst.
That's about all I have to go on for now. I've read quite a few accounts with others on an initial misdiagnosis until after the MRI. I'm hoping that's the case with me. Seems like that'll be the tell-tale of it all.
Strictly for fun, if anyone would like to post their predictions on what this ailment is, feel free.