Thursday, July 03, 2014

Bangor City Forest Loop X 2

Did the bigger Bangor City Forest Loop twice. My GPS went wonky in the first loop, so once that was done, I reset it so I could get a (hopefully) more accurate reading and make it easier to do the math for the total.

The second lap I pushed at a tempo pace, and ended up getting the Strava course record for the loop. I just started using that site and can see the addition. Totally Ryan's fault.

Ran 7.8 miles @ 7:42/mile pace.
Mostly flat.
Upper 70s to lower 80s, partly cloudy, humid.
Inov-8 Roclite 243, shorts, short sleeved shirt, cap.

1 comment:

Sparkplug said...

Ha. We were just talking about the fact that we could see you being really into the segments/CRs on Strava :-) Yes, another social media to be addicted to!