Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Lifting Heavy, Large Metal Thingies

Since I'm on the running DL, I've taken to weightlifting the past several days to give me something fitness-related to do. I don't want to feel like a slug, and I've actually been looking for a good excuse to start pumping iron again. No better time than now!

They say muscles have memory. I've weightlifted several times in the past, the last serious stint being around 10 years ago. Hopefully Alzheimer's hasn't set in. So far, so good though.

I expect to not be able to run again for another 6-8 weeks, but I should know for sure about that early next week (MRI is Friday, consultation is Monday). So, the plan is to get as ripped as I can until I can run again. I haven't really though much beyond that point. I'd like to continue to weightlift when I start running again though, but not sure I want to get up to the point I was a decade ago. Obviously though, a more stable core can translate to better running... but no need to worry about how much just yet.

But, for the time being, I'm really enjoying the weightlifting. I'm using the University of Southern Maine's gym, which is very nice and only about a 20 minute drive away. Nice to have access to it since I'm a student there. Looking forward to running again, but glad to occupy my time productively in the meantime!


pathfinder said...

You are going to look pretty funny when you start running again....your arms will be so buff that they will stickout instead of swaying buy your side and your thighs will rub against each other causeing a horrible painful's going to suck.
I only say that because you are such a commited runner...all that channeled into lifting heavy large metal things....well don't say I didn't warn you.

Grellan said...

Could you cycle or swim to keep your aerobic fitness.

mindy said...


Haliku said...

I find it real hard to continue a weight program when training for a race--only so many hours in a day. It also means I have to haul the extra muscle weight with me on the run.

Sorry to hear about the ankle. Give it time to heal and you'll be back even stronger. Cheers!